Friday, May 3, 2013

Women's Role in the Church

Today I would like to talk about an article I read about a women who was recently ordained as a priest. Since the Catholic Church's conception, it has not allowed women to become priests. It is a similar problem in today's socially changing modern age like married priests and birth control or abortion. The Catholic Church did not come up with these rules for themselves but they are carrying out Jesus' rules through their authority in the Church. The Church simply carries out the rules that Christ built his Church on. The Church cannot allow women to be priests because Christ only chose men as his apostles. Some people argue that Christ only chose men as his apostles because it was the custom of his time and the socially accepted way to do things. This is a bit of a silly argument because there are plenty of instances of Jesus going against society's accepted customs in the bible. For example, Jesus talks to a Samaritan women in public while getting water in the same well and she was known to be sleeping around. This was an incredible taboo for society's accepted customs in Jesus' time. We will never understand why Jesus founded the Church on the rules he did but we cannot go against Jesus. The Church cannot change these rules because if the Church goes against Jesus and, for example; made it available for women to become priests, we would become separated from Jesus and the Church would lose its authority.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Church's Salvation

Today, I figured I would talk to you about the Church's Salvation. The Church is the giver of Salvation and outside the Church there is no salvation. The Church is the universal family of God, and outside this family, there is no salvation. This teaching clarifies the essential meaning of salvation and the Church. Salvation means that you are a son or daughter of God, therefore; those who are saved are members of the Church. Non-Catholic Christians are considered separated brethren that are united in an imperfect manner to the Church by Baptism. The Catholic Church states that all who have been Baptized are accepted as Brothers in the Lord by the Catholic Church. Salvation is still granted to those people who do not have an opportunity to come to know God or to enter into the Church if they are people of good will and whose hearts have grace in them. It is still an urgent matter for the Church to evangelize all the people it can because salvation without the Church is uncertain and accompanied with many dangers. Knowing that salvation comes only through union with Christ in his Mystical Body, the Church does not stop proclaiming the Gospel. The Church understands that many people, through no fault of their own, will never know Christ and his Church. It is possible through Christ, that people who have not been baptized can still be given the grace to seek God. Even so, this does not relieve the Church of her duty to evangelize all people.