Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thoughts on Our New Pope

Today I want to talk about the election of our new Pope, Pope Francis I. Being from a primarily Hispanic family and attending a Jesuit high school, I get a very exciting perspective of the election of our new Jesuit, Hispanic Pope. Two weeks ago we had a mass to celebrate the election of our new Pope, who was the first Jesuit Pope and from the Americas. The excitement in my school was ecstatic, especially when we got surprised with the day off. Once Pope Francis I accepted his papacy, he has seemed to primarily focus on poverty. Pope Francis I seems to be a very humble person and a very selfless person. The Pope has been living in the Papal hotel and not moved into the more plush and luxurious accommodations because of his selfless and humble person. Many people have been wondering why he has been living in such modest conditions and focusing on poverty and it is because he is a Jesuit and that is their mission: to devote their lives to people less fortunate than them. Having a Hispanic family I have seen extreme happiness and excitement as our new Pope is Hispanic and from the Americas. The excitement and support has been immense just like in our school. Overall, I think Pope Francis I will make an amazing Pope with his extremely humble and selfless person and with his jesuit background and mission to serve those less fortunate, I see him making many impressions for the good on the Church.

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