Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Homeless and Less Fortunate

My Response to the video above:

Living in a big city like Houston, unfortunately we all see a large amount people like Ronald Davis. We all see less fortunate people on the street begging for money, food, clothes, anything to help them survive the day and possibly get them back on their feet. In our everyday lives, we sometimes forget to acknowledge these less fortunate then us, and even ignore them sometimes; waving them on as they pass by our car, or ignoring them on the sidewalk. I along with many people am guilty of this. Sometimes, we try to avoid a confrontation with a homeless person all together because it is so sad, but we lose the adequate amount of sympathy we should have for these less fortunate people and also the level of recognition they deserve as human beings created by God.

Mr. Davis is a prime example of how people less fortunate go through everyday struggles to survive. He also shows in the video how he has the same emotions and thoughts ad feelings that all of us humans have. This is important because society can sometimes treat homeless people as sub-humans and not as good as them because they are down on their luck. I think that the homeless should never be overlooked or shined on because we are "too busy", if anything we should raise the awareness for homeless people. Material things are important like food, clothes, and money; but the emotional encouragement we can give the homeless people is just as important to them. A word of encouragement  to a homeless person can go a long way. Without the soul being nourished, the material goods mean nothing.

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